
She’s Demanding That Her Husband Return Her Engagement Ring Because He’s Been Paying For It Using Money From Their Joint Bank Account Without Her Knowledge

“Mutual consent is essential when a couple [decides] to invest in an asset. Owning a house or a car jointly requires two ‘yeses,’ and I wouldn’t have said yes to jointly owning a ring he was supposed to give me as a gift.”

“So I can retroactively decide now I never wanted to own it and have been demanding that my husband return the ring to the store if paying for [it] hurts his pocket so much.”

She feels that if her husband had a serious conversation with her about the price of the ring before proposing to her, they may have been able to work something out because at least he would’ve communicated. However, she’s more hurt than ever after he did all this behind her back.

She told her husband what he did was tacky, and he got angry with her and demanded that she apologize.

The entire situation has left her with a bad taste in her mouth, and it’s not been a good start for their marriage.

How would you feel if this happened to you?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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