
She’s Demanding That Her Husband Return Her Engagement Ring Because He’s Been Paying For It Using Money From Their Joint Bank Account Without Her Knowledge

Piman Khrutmuang - - illustrative purposes only
Piman Khrutmuang - - illustrative purposes only

Many women dream of one day receiving a perfect engagement ring from their future spouses. But can you imagine having to pay for that engagement ring yourself?

One woman recently told her husband to return the engagement ring he proposed to her with because he had been using their joint bank account to pay for it in installments.

She’s 28 and has been married to her 30-year-old husband for almost three months. Unfortunately, their early days of marriage have been filled with arguments after she got some surprising news regarding her engagement ring.

They got married in a low-key wedding ceremony only a month after he proposed to her with a beautiful ring that cost her husband around $8,000. Since she and her husband were saving for a house, he signed up for a payment plan to pay off the ring in installments.

“I found out after we married and merged our finances that he has been withdrawing funds from our joint account to finance this ring,” she said.

“I was just taken aback and honestly put off by the fact he is making me pay for a gift he gave me. We have been having some arguments lately, and he feels that [an engagement] ring is a wedding expense, and it’s only fair that I contribute towards it, too. [He said] that as a woman of today, I shouldn’t hesitate to be an equal partner.”

She felt her husband’s reasoning was ridiculous, as she firmly stands by the notion that an engagement ring is a precious gift from a man to his future wife. Since it’s a gift, she shouldn’t have to pay for it, and they never discussed splitting the cost of the engagement ring before he proposed.

She also figured that since she was okay with not having a big, expensive wedding, her husband wouldn’t mind treating her to an extra special ring. But now, her money, which she put in their joint account, has helped pay for two installments of the ring, making her more like a co-owner than a recipient.

“If I knew my husband was going to make me pay for the ring, I wouldn’t have agreed to ‘buy’ it,” she explained.

Piman Khrutmuang – – illustrative purposes only

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