
She’s Been Dating Her Boyfriend For Two Years, Yet He Hides Her From His Daughter And Won’t Allow Her To Meet The Little Girl

“When I pressed him why that timeline he gave me the excuses: I’m working on it, there’s things I need to do first, I have to talk to her mom,” she said.

“We’ve been together 2 years. Why, at this point, is he putting the mother’s feelings over mine?! He told me I will be a great mother and how kind and caring I am, and he knows I’m great with kids (I’m a teacher), so I just don’t get it.”

Her friends believe she should dump him and run for the hills, and they call her nuts for remaining with her boyfriend.

She has questioned her guy friends about their opinion of her relationship, and they insist her boyfriend has to be hiding something else from her than just his daughter.

She adores her friends but is worried they are biased since they only want what is best for her. She also loves her boyfriend very much, but the hiding of his daughter is making her feel hurt and miserable.

“He has no problem showing me his daughter when we are on FaceTime but he won’t allow her to see or speak to me,” she continued.

“He deliberately hides me when she comes close, and when she asks him who he is talking to, he ignores or changes the subject. When we first met (met at a friend’s gathering), he was talking about his life being a single dad and how great his daughter is.”

“He continues to talk about her and even asks me for advice dealing with school. I’ve helped him navigate really important situations with the school with regard to his daughter.”

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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