
She’s Been Dating Her Boyfriend For Two Years, Yet He Hides Her From His Daughter And Won’t Allow Her To Meet The Little Girl

morrowlight - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s been a little more than two years so far that this 36-year-old woman has been in a relationship with her 38-year-old boyfriend.

Her boyfriend has a little girl with his ex who’s about to turn six in a few months. She says that she and her boyfriend have a wonderful relationship despite some normal highs and lows, and everything was amazing up until recently.

As they celebrated their first anniversary, anxiety began to set in for her since she still had not gotten to meet his daughter.

They sat down to have a serious conversation, and her boyfriend said he really wanted to have a future with her, so she let the issue of not meeting his daughter go.

From there, they did have discussions about what together would be like for them, and he maintained he wanted her to be a stepmom to his little girl.

“Now it’s been just over 2 years and still no progress,” she explained. “Our recent disagreements center around him not sharing his whole life with me.”

While she has met her boyfriend’s sister and family, she has never been over to his house or met his daughter, and he has full custody of the little girl.

Her boyfriend’s ex is still in his daughter’s life, but they ended their relationship four years ago. She has thought to ask her boyfriend why she isn’t invited over to his house while his daughter is with her mom, and he shrugs while saying it never crossed his mind.

Yesterday, though, things took an interesting turn when her boyfriend informed her that she will not be able to meet his daughter until sometime at the end of this year or early in 2025. He promised her the same exact timeline a year ago, and never followed through on that.

morrowlight – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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