
She Kicked Her Struggling Sister Out Because Her Sister’s Boyfriend Was Taking Advantage Of Her Help

She’s tried to confront Sarah about Adam’s behavior and get her to see how ridiculous he truly is, but she defends him most of the time, stating that he’s the one going through a “rough time.”

However, she thinks Adam is totally fine, as he has a free roof over his head and spends Sarah’s money like it’s his own.

“I snapped and told her if he didn’t fix his habits, I would kick him out,” she recalled.

“But Sarah again said if he’s going down, she’s going down with him. I told her to get out of my apartment and pack her bags. I feel I did nothing wrong, but my family says I’m a psycho and need to help Sarah because she’s struggling, and I’m stable.”

Was she wrong to kick Sarah out, or was it called for?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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