She Inherited Her Dad’s Home And Wants His Widow To Move Out, But His Widow Said She Has No Intention Of Ever Leaving

Studio Romantic - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Studio Romantic - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Studio Romantic - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you receive a large asset as part of an inheritance, like property or a large sum of money, some people may try to make you feel like it doesn’t belong to you, even though it legally does.

One woman recently had to ask her dad’s widow to move out of his house, which officially became hers when he died. However, since she doesn’t live in the house, the widow doesn’t understand why she has to leave.

She’s in her early 40s and recently lost her dad. For the last 20 years, her dad was married to a woman in her late 50s. Her dad and his wife lived in the house she grew up in, and when he passed away, he left the house in her name, not his widow’s, even though his widow still lived there.

“It’s been three months [since he died], and I asked his wife if and when she’s planning to leave [the house],” she recalled.

“Her children live in another town about two hours away. She basically said that she has no intention of ever leaving and that she would like to stay there forever or at least until she meets someone new.”

She explained to her dad’s widow that although she’s living in a house of her own, she pays taxes on and owns her dad’s house, so ultimately, what she says goes.

Her dad’s widow asked if she could start paying her rent to stay in the house, but that wasn’t a good enough offer, as his widow had some serious issues.

Unfortunately, her dad’s widow has a major hoarding issue, and the house is already filled with unnecessary junk that she claims to be in the process of ‘making.’ She has a history of mental illness and doesn’t have a great relationship with her brother, who lives next door with his family.

She and her brother have never considered her dad’s wife a mother figure, so her brother’s kids have no relationship with her even though they are next-door neighbors.

Studio Romantic – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“She is [also] not independent in any way, and I had to make sure to pay her bills, help her with the pension, bureaucracy, etc.,” she added.

“She doesn’t know how to use a smartphone, the internet, or how to maintain the house and the yard.”

All these reasons led her to encourage her dad’s widow to move out of the house. However, she made it clear that it is “her house,” and she doesn’t plan on budging.

Now, she’s left trying to find a good compromise. While she understands her dad’s widow doesn’t have many people to lean on and has been through a lot, she doesn’t want to risk letting her stay in her dad’s house and destroying it.

Should she stand her ground and force her dad’s widow out of his old house or find another solution?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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