Categories: Relationships

She Ended Her Relationship With Her “Perfect” Boyfriend Since He’s Broke

Katharina Buczek

To be clear, she clarified how she was never looking for a partner who would help her out financially, either.

“But if I want a future with someone, they should at least have a job,” she vented.

Still, since she really loved her boyfriend and he was so sweet otherwise, she’s not sure if breaking up with a “perfect” guy just because of his financial situation was actually just a jerky move.

“Am I being too harsh about his financial decisions?” she asked.

Does it sound like her boyfriend was ready to be in a serious relationship if he only worked one day a week? Did she make the right decision by ending things, even if he was a really sweet guy? What would you have done in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek

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