
She Ended Her Relationship With Her “Perfect” Boyfriend Since He’s Broke

VK Studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 29-year-old woman was recently in a relationship with the sweetest 38-year-old man she ever dated. She absolutely adored how “clingy” he was and how much affection he showed her.

Yet, when push came to shove, she still had to break up with her boyfriend because he was downright broke.

“Everything was perfect, except his income,” she revealed.

For some context, her boyfriend was only working about once a week. Yes, he was hunting for new and better job opportunities. However, to her, it seemed as though he wasn’t putting in a ton of effort.

“And the work he was looking for seemed like it wouldn’t improve his life much,” she said.

This was particularly disappointing for her, too, because she genuinely saw a lot of potential in him and thought he could make a wonderful life for himself.

“He really has the ability and intelligence to be great,” she explained.

Nonetheless, it was hard not to notice a pattern of “self-sabotage” in her boyfriend’s life. He really didn’t do much throughout the day aside from sitting around, getting intoxicated, and playing video games.

She, on the other hand, works full-time and lives on her own – supporting herself completely. So, everything she has is in her own name, and she pays for it all.

VK Studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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