
She Canceled A Family Fishing Trip After Her Husband Invited A Random Guy Along And Took Her Kids On Her Own Trip To The Lake Instead

Halfpoint - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

When you’re a busy parent, and you and your spouse spend most of your days working and running around with your kids, relaxing family vacations are often rare and sacred.

Can you imagine finally getting a chance to get away with your family and then finding out at the last minute that your spouse invited someone you hardly know?

That’s what happened to one woman who ended up going on a trip with her kids on her own after her husband invited his friend, whom she barely knew, on their family trip.

She and her husband have been very busy lately, with her husband working long hours and her taking care of their kids, including their youngest, who is only five months old.

That’s why she was super excited when they finally planned a fun fishing trip on a lake for a weekend. They talked a lot about how the vacation would be great, as they haven’t had much of a chance to spend time together as a family due to her kids and her husband’s schedules.

“We headed out [on a] Friday morning to grab our boat and head to our camp for the weekend,” she recalled.

“Everything was going fine until about 40 minutes into the drive, [when] my husband got a phone call and started saying things like, ‘Yeah, I will be there soon’ [and] ‘What did you bring?’ When he got off the phone, I asked him who that was, and he told me [it was] Heath, a coworker of his I have never met. I asked him if he had invited some random dude I don’t know on our family outing, and he said he had and didn’t think it would be a big deal.”

Her husband tried justifying his actions by telling her Heath wanted to see their boat, but she immediately started panicking. She’d never met Heath, but she had heard things about him, and unfortunately, they were mostly negative things. She heard he was kind of a creep and tended to make ‘gross’ jokes. 

In the car, she told her husband to turn around and bring her and the kids home. When her husband asked why, she told him they were supposed to go on a family trip meant to bring them together and allow for some family bonding. She told him she didn’t want to sit around and take care of their kids while his coworker, who was a stranger to her, was sitting around their camp.

Halfpoint – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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