
His Wife Said She Wants A Divorce Over Their Kitchen Being Messy While He Was In The Middle Of Cleaning It

gstockstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Earlier this morning, while this 40-year-old man was making coffee, his 31-year-old wife remarked that she was upset about how much of a mess their kitchen was in.

He replied that it’s not a big deal and he will make sure to clean it up, since he’s normally the one who picks up this chore in their marriage.

Normally, he cleans the kitchen in the morning while he’s getting ready for the day, and then he cleans again before he goes to bed each night.

“I suppose I didn’t do a great job of cleaning the night before, just put the food away, but I’d had a long week at work and wanted to spend time with her before she left for a work trip the next day,” he explained.

“I like cleaning, I’m happy to do it, and I want my wife to live in a home where she feels comfortable and cared for.”

“I wipe off the stove, put the pan that was there in the sink and start washing. Suddenly she starts unloading all her frustration: Don’t do the dishes, you haven’t wiped all the surfaces. You don’t listen. All I do is clean, and you never clean/don’t clean well enough. You’re a child, and you treat me like your mother.”

He did his best to remain calm amid the insults without reading too much into things. He just asked his wife to clarify what she meant, and if she was serious about him never cleaning the kitchen to her standards in the past.

Then, he tried to be empathetic, saying he knows she’s irritated and that must be difficult. But instead of trying to deescalate things, his wife took things up a notch and insisted he was trying to invalidate her feelings and that he was not listening to her at all.

This bothered him a lot, and he asked his wife to leave the kitchen please so he could get back to cleaning it.

gstockstudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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