Categories: Relationships

His Wife Got Approved To Be A Surrogate Behind His Back, And He’s Furious She Tried To Make A Decision That Would Impact Their Whole Family Without Consulting Him First

Katharina Buczek

This 35-year-old man and his wife, who is 31, have been together for seven years, married for two years, and they live in Florida.

They already have two children together and have been trying to have a third child. His wife is also a stay-at-home mom; at the same time, he works full-time to provide for their family.

So, when his wife recently approached him on Mother’s Day and revealed how she both applied and got approved to be a surrogate for another family without consulting him first, he was furious.

“I’m not yelling and screaming mad, but I’m upset. This decision affects our entire family,” he said.

First of all, he and his wife have already been trying to have another baby. Not to mention, his wife becoming a surrogate would be extremely tough on their life – impacting everything from their family and their relationship to his wife’s body, mental and emotional health.

He tried telling his wife about all of his concerns after she told him the news, too. However, she just kept claiming that it would be a “selfless act” to help out another family.

“I understand it helps another family,” he admitted, “But at what cost? Her marriage? Her kids?”

He pointed out how he wouldn’t be able to just drop everything he’s doing to help take care of his wife during the pregnancy, either, especially since it wouldn’t even be his child.

“And I don’t need or want the money she would be paid for carrying the child, as we are well off because of what I provide,” he vented.

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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