
His Sister-In-Law Is Marrying A Convicted Murderer Who’s Apparently Turning His Life Around, But He Still Wants To Protect His Kids

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you don’t approve of a person one of your relatives decides to marry, it can be quite upsetting, as that person technically will be a part of your family.

One man is unsure what to do after his sister-in-law’s husband, whom he does not trust because he was convicted of murder years ago, began crossing some of his boundaries.

He’s been with his wife for 20 years, and they have children together. He’s very happy with her, and they have a great life. However, there’s been a lot of tension between him and his wife’s family, as he strongly does not approve of his sister-in-law’s fiancé.

“My sister-in-law started a relationship with a man while he was serving life in prison for murder,” he revealed.

“The murder, according to the press, was a brutal and unprovoked attack during which a man died. The fiancé is one of three sent to prison on life sentences, which in my part of the world means about 20 years behind bars. He was released about two years ago and moved in straight away with my sister-in-law and her kids. To his credit, in that time, he has graduated, is holding down a good job, they have had a baby together, and overall is making a good go of life.”

While he’s impressed with his future brother-in-law’s attempts to clean up his life over the years, he still can’t shake his past or get over it. His sister and her fiancé have had a fully functioning family for years, and their kids are teenagers.

However, their kids don’t know anything about their dad’s past, and his wife’s family has been sworn to secrecy, which bothers him.

He’s had to establish boundaries with his future brother-in-law and hoped he would always respect them.

“I feel I am having to carry this burden and bareface a lie every time I meet up with the extended family,” he said.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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