
His Fiancée Ran Away And Abandoned Their Baby After Seeing Some Kids Breaking Into A Car With A Baseball Bat

“Her first instinct in an emergency was to abandon a 9-month-old baby and her fiancé to fend for themselves as she protected her own hide,” he said.

“Well, last night, we were watching a documentary together, and there was a scene with a woman who was frozen in terror during an animal attack. Jess scoffed and said that if it were her, she would have fought back, especially if Aimie were with her.”

He couldn’t help but look over at Jess and tell her she didn’t really know what she would do in that situation.

When Jess responded that she would fight “tooth and nail” for their daughter in any situation, he reminded her that she fled without the baby at the sound of a couple of rowdy teenagers messing around with a baseball bat. He then told her she was “kind of useless in an emergency.”

Jess got up, cursed at him, and walked away. While he can understand that his words may have been harsh, he couldn’t listen to her make fun of the woman in the movie when she was the one whose fight-or-flight response was to run away without her baby.

Should he not have said those things to Jess?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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