
Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Properly Using Makeup Primer To Help Your Look Last All Day

Seventyfour - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you wear makeup daily, don’t you hate it when you leave your home with a seemingly perfect face of makeup, and then you get home and find that it’s all smudged away?

This is usually an indicator that you need to start wearing an effective facial makeup primer. However, there are so many different kinds of primer on the market, and it can be difficult to choose which is best for you.

If you need a little advice on which kind of primer would be right for you, here’s a little guide to them.

If you didn’t know, primer is a product you apply to your face before the rest of your makeup to help prep your skin for the makeup application and get your makeup to last longer.

Primers are great for people with specific skin types that prevent them from getting their makeup “just right,” like dry or oily skin, large pores, acne, etc. It can create a smoother skin surface and allow for makeup to not only go on easier but last longer as well.

You can base the type of primer you want to buy on your skin type. For instance, if your face tends to get dry, you can purchase a hydrating facial primer. If your skin gets oily, you can buy a mattifying primer. 

There are also primers made for more specific skin matters. You can look for pore-minimizing or “blurring” primers if you have large pores. If you have a lot of discoloration, you can look for color-correcting primers. Again, there are so many kinds of primers on the market these days, and you should analyze your skin type before shopping for one that fits your specific needs.

Additionally, you can purchase primers for different parts of your face. For example, suppose you love wearing a lot of eyeshadow and enjoy carefully crafting fun eyeshadow looks. In that case, you should buy a primer that’s made for your eyes to ensure all your hard work doesn’t smudge away within a few hours.

There are also lip primers and mascara primers if you want to take your makeup priming game to the next level.

Seventyfour – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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