
Her Husband’s Ex Moved Out Of State With A New Boyfriend And Basically Abandoned Her Stepkids On Their Doorstep, But She’s Not Interested In Living With Her Husband’s Children From His Past Relationship

Ursula Page - - illustrative purposes only

It’s hard to imagine marrying someone, imagining very specific living arrangements, and then having that all go up in the air. 

One woman is unsure what to do after her husband’s ex dropped two of his children off at their house to live with them full-time, even though that was never their plan. 

Her husband has three children from a previous marriage, and they have a son together. She and her husband didn’t live near his ex and his children for a while, so she wasn’t very close with her stepchildren.

Then, they decided to move where her husband’s kids live, and he’s been getting more involved in their lives. Two of her stepchildren are teenagers, and the other is younger.

A few months after their move, she and her husband received some surprising news.

“The kids’ mom decided to move to another state with her boyfriend,” she explained.

“The two older teenagers said they didn’t want to leave their school, and the youngest one decided to go with her. She did not communicate with us [during] any of that [and] the two kids were basically just dropped off [at our house] with all of their belongings.”

This was quite surprising to her, as she and her husband never talked about her stepchildren living with them outside of summer visits and holidays. To make things more complicated, he’s hardly home, as he often travels for work.

“I am home with all the kids most of the time, and our relationship is not the best,” she said.

Ursula Page – – illustrative purposes only

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