
Her Husband Gave Her An Ultimatum: Get Divorced Or Allow Him To Use An Egg Donor So He Can Have A Child With Blonde Hair And Blue Eyes

katarinagondova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

Back in high school, this 33-year-old woman met her 34-year-old husband, but they didn’t start dating until college when they were living abroad and met up to have lunch.

They have been in a relationship for the last five years, and two years ago, they got married. After she got pregnant, they moved home to the country where they are both from, in the northern part of Europe.

Now, her husband has blue eyes and blonde hair, and she was adopted from South Asia, and her features reflect her nationality.

Two years ago, she gave birth to their baby girl, and on New Year’s Eve this year, her husband delivered her the shock of her life.

He mentioned he doesn’t feel connected to their child, and he went on to complain that the reason comes down to how she looks.

Their daughter has darker hair and eyes than she does, and that’s what her husband is upset about.

What’s funny is that all of her loved ones insist their daughter resembles her husband more than her.

“She even has very light brown hair (not that it matters to me), but just brown eyes,” she explained. “He told me that he wants a family member that looks like him with blonde hair and blue eyes.”

“I asked him if he was open to adoption (because I am), and he said no, he wants to see his own ‘features’ in the child. We went back and forth until he told me he wants to use an egg donor to conceive blond hair, blue eyes, and his ‘genes.'”

katarinagondova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

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