
He Never Told His Wife Their Home Was The Scene Of A Murder-Suicide, So Ever Since She Found Out, She’s Been Staying With Her Parents

Samet - - illustrative purposes only
Samet - - illustrative purposes only

There are so many complicated things to juggle when deciding to buy a house. One of those things may be a home’s history and the stories of those who lived in it before you.

One man bought his dream house despite it having a dark history years before meeting and marrying his wife. Unfortunately, when his wife learned about the house’s history, she freaked out and left to stay with her parents.

He’s 34 and was able to buy a house not long after graduating from college nine years ago.

“I was fortunate enough to leave college debt-free with a highly lucrative major, and I wanted nothing more than to live on a few acres of land in a quiet house with my dogs,” he said.

“I looked around for months with a few different realtors in several towns near my workplace. Finally, a realtor asked me if I would mind if the house had a bit of a history. I said it would depend [and] he said that there was a murder-suicide in the house a few years back. I didn’t think much of it and agreed to view the house. Three minutes after arriving, I knew it was perfect for me.”

The house was lovely. It was built in 2004 and had four bedrooms and two bathrooms. It sat on three acres of land, and because of its history, he spent about $100,000 less in purchasing it than what it was worth.

Sure, the scary incident that occurred in the home crossed his mind a few times, but he was able to get over it and came to love his house.

About five years later, he met his 31-year-old wife, Jennifer.

“When I took her to my house for the first time, she fell in love with it, and we tied the knot last year,” he recalled.

Samet – – illustrative purposes only

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