
He Broke Up With His Ex Of 10 Years Because He Didn’t Want Kids But Then Had A Baby With A New Woman Two Years Later, So He Got Accused Of Wasting A Decade Of His Ex’s Life

“She said it felt like a betrayal that I didn’t want to have kids with her but was willing to with someone else,” he revealed.

While talking to his ex, he tried to explain how he never planned to have kids. Plus, he said that his feelings about becoming a father wound up changing.

Still, his ex didn’t understand, and some of her friends have since begun messaging him – accusing him of being a jerk and wasting 10 years of his ex’s life.

“I understand why she’s hurt, but I don’t think I’m entirely to blame. People change, and sometimes, relationships don’t work out the way we hope,” he vented.

Nonetheless, he’s still been left wondering if breaking up with his ex of 10 years because she wanted a family, then proceeding to have a child with someone else two years later, really makes him a jerk.

How would you feel in his ex-girlfriend’s shoes? Did he lead his ex on or not? Can people change their minds about kids?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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