Categories: Relationships

He Allowed A Tenant To Take In An Abandoned Puppy, But He Doesn’t Want The Dog In His House Anymore And Gave His Tenant One Week To Get Rid Of The Pup Before Getting Evicted

Chip Chick

Unfortunately, over the last few weeks, things have gone downhill.

“The puppy no longer sleeps as much and barks a lot, [especially] whenever Lindsay leaves him alone for more than five minutes,” he said.

“He spends approximately 90% of his time at our home since most of Lindsay’s friends can’t take him into their apartments, [so he frequently] uses our backyard as his personal bathroom. Lindsay does clean up after him, but it is annoying nonetheless. The worst thing about the puppy [in the last two weeks] is that Lindsay has stopped bottle-feeding him, [which] seems to have made him go insane.”

The puppy’s energy has kicked in, and he tends to go a little wild to the point where Lindsay can no longer contain him. If the puppy sees Kat sitting on the porch with their son, he immediately escapes from Lindsay’s control and runs up to Kat, trying to jump on her and the baby.

Then, a few days ago, he went to pet the puppy as he normally does, and it bit him.

All of this behavior has made him and Kat lose their faith in Lindsay as a dog owner and worry about their son’s safety. They had repeatedly warned Lindsay that she’d have to re-home him if she didn’t get his behavior under control, but she never could.

“Kat told me she didn’t want the dog in the house anymore [so] I went over to Lindsay and told her what Kat and I thought,” he recalled.

“I told her that we could give her a week to find an alternative living arrangement [for her dog] but that he was no longer able to stay in our home. She became very flustered and tried to dissuade me, but I held firm. When she asked me what would happen if the dog was still here after a week, I told her she’d be breaking the conditions of her contract and would thus be evicted.”

Lindsay was extremely stunned and flustered as she told him she was worried she’d need more time than a week to find her dog a new place to live. However, he stood firm on his time frame and told her the decision was already made.

Now, he’s wondering if he was wrong to tell Lindsay her dog had to leave. Should he feel bad for making Lindsay get rid of her dog, or was it the right thing for his family?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Chip Chick

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