
He Allowed A Tenant To Take In An Abandoned Puppy, But He Doesn’t Want The Dog In His House Anymore And Gave His Tenant One Week To Get Rid Of The Pup Before Getting Evicted

Mat Hayward - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

When you sign on to live in a place with a strict ‘no pets’ policy, you must resist all temptation to bring home a cute puppy, cat, reptile, etc., as that one decision could lead to your eviction.

One man recently allowed his tenant to keep a puppy despite their no-pets agreement. However, when things didn’t work out, he told her she needed to find the puppy a new home.

He and his wife, Kat, are in their mid-30s and own a home with a large basement, which they decided to rent out to earn some extra money since their area had a high demand for cheap housing.

In December of last year, they decided to rent their basement to a 28-year-old grad school student named Lindsay.

“For the most part, Lindsay has been a wonderful tenant,” he explained.

“Because Kat and I have a 6-month-old son, we put a no-pets condition into our contract, which Lindsay agreed to. About two months ago, Lindsay and her friends found an abandoned puppy. It was dirty, malnourished, and far too young to be left alone. They took it to a vet and discovered it wasn’t owned by anyone and was likely abandoned. They tried turning him into a shelter, but since all dog shelters in our area are overcrowded with surrendered pets, none of the shelters could help.”

Since Lindsay and her friends knew the puppy would likely be put down without a home, they decided to raise him together.

Lindsay went to him and begged him and Kat to allow her to keep the puppy in the basement. She said she’d be very responsible with him and gave them the impression she’d only have him temporarily, as she planned on raising it with her friends.

While they agreed to a “no-pets” policy, he and Kat reluctantly agreed to let the puppy stay since they built a great relationship with Lindsay.

Mat Hayward – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

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