
After A Fierce Storm Blew Through, A Mysterious 19th Century Shipwreck Washed Up On The Shores Of A Small Town In Canada

edb3_16 - - illustrative purposes only

After a fierce storm blew through, a mysterious shipwreck washed up on the shores of Cape Ray, a small town located on the southwest coast of Newfoundland, Canada.

Locals are hoping to save the 100-foot-long vessel from being pulled back into the depths of the ocean before another storm arrives.

On the morning of January 20, an inhabitant of Cape Ray, 21-year-old Gordon Blackmore, discovered the wreck lodged in shallow waters.

The shipwreck caused quite a buzz in the community of approximately 300 residents. People speculated about the history of the ship and its journey to their hometown. They also raised concerns about it becoming damaged or lost to the ocean again.

According to Neil Burgess, the president of the Shipwreck Preservation Society of Newfoundland and Labrador, the shipwreck was likely dredged up in 2022 by Hurricane Fiona, one of the most forceful storms to have ever hit the country.

In early February, archaeologists swam out to the vessel to gather samples for analysis. Its origins are unclear, but they think that the wreck may date back to the 19th century. Studies of the wood and metal used to build the ship will confirm if this is true or not.

The phenomenon of storms dislodging long-buried shipwrecks from seabeds is not unusual, especially as climate change brings about more intense weather events.

The Cape Ray region also sees shipwrecks frequently due to its exposed shoreline. This particular wreck is significant to the community because it may play a role in how some of their ancestors arrived in the area.

However, the possible piece of history is at risk of disappearing forever. The tides are already threatening to deteriorate the components holding the beams of the ship together, and the promise of another storm looms in the distance.

edb3_16 – – illustrative purposes only

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