
She Told Her Parents She’s Ashamed Of Them For Trying To Cause A Scene At Her Stepdaughter’s Wedding Just Because Her Stepdaughter Didn’t Call Her “Mom” During A Reception Speech

“She called me one of her greatest friends [and] thanked me for being there and for respecting the love she had for her mom,” she recalled.

“She called me one of the greatest humans and told me she believed her mom would have loved me. My parents approached Eloise while everyone was dancing and confronted her for [separating] me from the other parents of the bride and groom. They told her after more than 20 years of being in her life, I had earned the recognition of being her mom.”

Before she could pull her parents away from Eloise, they told her she had shattered her heart, which was not true. She then told her parents they needed to leave and said their actions were disgusting.

Her parents tried to defend themselves and said they felt they had to say something to Eloise after she didn’t refer to her as her mom.

“I told them I was ashamed and disgusted by them attempting to make a scene at the wedding, and they never should have brought any of this up,” she added.

“They told me they were just looking out for me and that I should apologize to them.”

Should she apologize to her parents, or should they apologize to her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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