
She Once Had To Hide In The Walk-In Freezer During A Tornado Since She Works As A Server At A Restaurant That Never Closes, No Matter The Weather

Daniel L/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

If you’ve worked in a restaurant as a server, cook, or any other position, you know that some people will insist on eating out even in the craziest circumstances.

I remember seeing Instagram posts of people in New York City still eating outside at a restaurant during the evening of a big blizzard. Some diners are gung-ho about eating out on days when servers and cooks would much rather be at home.

One TikTok creator recently vented to her followers about how she’s had to serve diners and stay at her restaurant during some pretty extreme circumstances.

“Any server will tell you, it doesn’t matter if it’s raining, snowing, sleeting, [or if there’s] a hurricane outside, that restaurant will not close,” says Aaliya Seika (@aaliyaseika), TikTok creator and server.

“I have worked through some crazy circumstances, okay?”

Aaliya goes on to explain that she’s had to serve customers in severe weather conditions, as not only did the restaurant owners refuse to close, but people still managed to get out and eat.

One time, Aaliya served customers who were enjoying pizza and chicken wings in the middle of a snowstorm, and they asked her how she’d be able to make it home, to which she wanted to respond that if they ate faster and went home themselves, she could get out of there.

However, that wasn’t the wildest circumstance Aaliya has had to serve in.

“Another time, I literally had to hide in the walk-in freezer with my co-workers because it was ‘tornado-ing’ outside,” says Aaliya.

Daniel L/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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