
His Brother Is Neglecting His Exotic Pet Parrot Worth Around $5,000

He dedicates as much time as he can to the bird, but he goes to college full-time, works a part-time job, and runs a business online.

As for his older brother, he works 40 hours a week and comes home around 5 or 6 at night. But his brother will just head out to spend all of his time with his girlfriend or friends and ignore his parrot.

He finally confronted his brother and told him to give the bird attention or send it back to his friend, who gifted him the parrot. He’s tried to have several conversations with his brother, who brushes him off and says the bird is better off at their house since his friend never let him out of his cage.

Then, he went to their mom, who maintained that they should keep the parrot in their home since it wouldn’t be nice to move him along to someone new, considering how attached he is.

Their mom is fully aware that their brother neglects the parrot, yet makes excuses for him. This summer, his brother is moving out of their home, which means he will be really stuck with the parrot for good.

He also has a little pet bird he’s responsible for, and this bird started out as his brother’s but became his after his brother failed to properly care for that bird.

“I just can’t take it anymore. I don’t want to be stuck with the parrot for the rest of my life,” he said.

“The parrot ruins my morning and my day, and I can’t get anything done, and no one else gives the parrot attention besides me.”

“I genuinely feel so bad for the parrot, and I feel like he’s being neglected in our house and isn’t getting the proper care. I’m only 19-years-old; I don’t want to deal with this big of a responsibility.”

What advice do you have for him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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