
She’s Tired Of Seeing Parents Blaming Their Bad Parenting On Their Children Having ADHD

New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This woman has 15 years of experience working with kids in a variety of different places. She’s worked with kids in schools, in daycares, and in homes.

She’s held roles as a respite worker, an in-home behavior technician, a teacher’s assistant, a camp counselor, and a substitute teacher.

To be fair, she’s happy that in this day and age, society has a heightened awareness of mental health issues as well as neurodivergent behaviors.

But that being said, she has watched as things have spiraled out of control along with this. What she means is that she’s tired of seeing moms and dads blame their bad parenting on their children having ADHD.

“I have seen children as young as 4 on mood stabilizers. I have seen [bad] parenting be excused because of ADHD,” she explained.

“The amount of excuses, denial, and enabling behavior is too high! People blame iPad kids, but parents are just as bad on their devices.”

“I have been at the park and kids desperately trying to get their parent’s attention, and they are slushy zombie scrolling. I know mental health problems exist, but to what extent are we just making [awful] humans because of low involvement and [terrible] parenting?”

She thinks ADHD has just become a very convenient way for parents to bow out of actually having to parent.

She’s sick of standing by and seeing parents use ADHD to their advantage instead of doing what’s right for their children.

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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