Categories: Relationships

She’s Breaking Up With Her Boyfriend After He Ate The Donut She Ordered For Breakfast

Bre Avery Zacharski

She questioned her boyfriend about where the donut she ordered had gone, and he admitted that he had eaten it.

“He didn’t wait to ask,” she added. “He didn’t even stop to question where my food might have been. He saw that there was no other food in the bag and still thought only of himself and ate it.”

“I broke down into tears. It finally hit me. That one action made me realize how little care and respect he has for me, how selfish he actually is, and how big of an idiot I am. Now I’m sitting here wondering how to separate myself from someone completely dependent on me.”

What advice do you have for her? Do you think it’s the right thing for her to break up with him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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