
She’s Breaking Up With Her Boyfriend After He Ate The Donut She Ordered For Breakfast

“He never checked analytics, planned upload schedules, and gave anything but the bare minimum effort to content,” she said.

“Nothing. He has never gotten more than a couple of hundred views on anything. I have sacrificed things I want and need time and time again to get him supplies and subscriptions for his ventures. He will swear he needs it to succeed, and then he’ll be able to contribute to the bills.”

“A new microphone here, a new graphics card there. Lighting. A camera. Meanwhile, it’s coming out of vacation funds I could save, investments, furniture we need, or add to a down payment for a house. I’ve given up luxuries I love and COULD afford, like getting my nails and hair done to make sure our rent and bills are paid.”

She wouldn’t even mind if her boyfriend helped out around the house, but he does not clean, cook, or do anything at all.

He also stopped making an effort to plan dates for them or anything special for her birthday. When he does order food, he never asks her if she wants anything.

He frequently breaks her belongings and then doesn’t get why she’s hurt, as he believes everything can simply be replaced.

She has constantly argued with her boyfriend about how she thinks he’s using her and treating her like a cash cow.

She has pushed him to get a job since she’s breaking down having to carry the burden of financially supporting the two of them.

Every time she has this argument with her boyfriend, he begs her to forgive him and promises to try, but he goes right back to his lazy ways.

On Thursday, she ended up ordering breakfast for the two of them as a treat. She only wanted to have a donut and a coffee, but her boyfriend ordered a lot of food for himself.

She was on a call for work when their breakfast got delivered, and by the time she got off the phone, her boyfriend had downed his food.

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