
She’s Breaking Up With Her Boyfriend After He Ate The Donut She Ordered For Breakfast

molenira - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

A bit more than two years ago, this 34-year-old woman and her 35-year-old boyfriend both got laid off from their jobs in tech.

Although the market was pretty sketchy at the time, she managed to land a job within several weeks of being laid off.

However, her boyfriend has not applied himself at all and has since been unemployed. At first, her boyfriend maintained he wanted to find a job in a new industry, which she was supportive of.

She was happy to be the breadwinner as her boyfriend figured out what he wanted to do, and she believed him when he said he wanted to find a more stable career.

“I make decent money and told him I would support him while he transitioned to something more sound because I thought that was a wise investment for both of us going forward,” she explained.

“Our relationship was strong, and he was the kindest, most gentle, sweetest man I’d ever met, and I was confident this was an investment in us and our future.”

She presumed that her boyfriend would spend a few months applying to similar roles or would take some kind of classes to make him stand out more, but that never occurred.

For two entire years now, her boyfriend has either spent his days playing video games or pursuing ridiculous careers like being an influencer.

If her boyfriend actually tried to make influencing work, maybe she wouldn’t have a problem, but he has put in zero effort.

molenira – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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