
She Wants To Break Up With Her Boyfriend Because, When They Ran Into His Ex, He Immediately Stopped Holding Her Hand And Didn’t Introduce Her As His Girlfriend

“He immediately dropped my hand when we saw her,” she revealed.

Her boyfriend didn’t even introduce her as his girlfriend while talking to his ex, either. Instead, he just started talking to his ex, and he never held her hand again throughout the entire encounter!

“It was so embarrassing,” she recalled.

And now, after thinking the whole situation over, she’s feeling extremely doubtful that their relationship is actually sustainable. On the one hand, she realizes that her boyfriend is very sweet.

“But I think he needs to heal,” she vented.

On top of that, she doesn’t just want to be the girl that her boyfriend settles for because his ex got away.

That’s why she’s actually considering breaking up with her boyfriend since he blatantly dropped her hand as soon as he saw his ex. However, before she officially pulls the plug, she’s not sure if that would be the right thing to do or not.

How would you feel if your partner did that after running into their ex? Does she have a right to be questioning the longevity of their relationship? What would you do in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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