
She Wants To Break Up With Her Boyfriend Because, When They Ran Into His Ex, He Immediately Stopped Holding Her Hand And Didn’t Introduce Her As His Girlfriend

Andrey_Arkusha - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old woman and her boyfriend, who is 24, have been dating for just under a year now. But, after a recent run-in with his ex-girlfriend, she’s starting to question the security of their relationship.

For some context, her boyfriend had been with his ex for five years. Then, they eventually broke up when his ex decided that she wanted to move to Los Angeles to become an actress and wasn’t interested in continuing a long-distance relationship.

Anyway, following that split, she and her boyfriend wound up eventually meeting through mutual friends. Then, she was the one who actually made the first move and asked her boyfriend out.

“But, while he is a loving, affectionate boyfriend, I think that he’s still hung up on his ex,” she admitted.

“In a lot of ways, I feel like I’m the placeholder for her.”

For instance, her boyfriend still holds onto a ton of admiration for his ex. During his past relationship, he also made sure to gift his ex very romantic gifts and experiences.

She, on the other hand, honestly feels more like a friend to her boyfriend rather than a partner. She also can’t help but notice how he always brings his ex-girlfriend up during conversations with friends.

More recently, though, all of her feelings finally bubbled over after an in-person encounter with his previous partner.

Apparently, her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend left Los Angeles, moved back into their home city, and started reintegrating into the same friend groups as her boyfriend. So, while she was with her boyfriend, they ran into his ex, and he did something pretty surprising.

Andrey_Arkusha – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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