
She Walked Out On A Date With A Guy She Met Online After He Arrived 30 Minutes Late And Showed Up Wearing Gym Clothes So He Could Workout Afterward

Reezky - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Reezky - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old woman set up her profile on a dating app several weeks ago. A man named Jack, 32, liked her profile, and they texted for a week before deciding to meet in person. They planned to have lunch together on Saturday at Panera at 1 p.m.

During the week before the date, she followed up to ensure that day and time still worked for him and did so again on Friday night.

On Saturday afternoon, Jack sent her a text message at around 12:50 p.m., informing her that he needed to feed his dogs and assuring her he’d leave for Panera immediately after that.

Since they lived in the same neighborhood, she assumed he would arrive just a few minutes after they’d planned to meet. When he’d texted her, she was already driving to Panera, so she told him it was okay if he fed his dogs before meeting up with her. She arrived at the restaurant right on time.

“At 1:15 p.m., he hasn’t shown up. At 1:30 p.m., he hasn’t shown up. At some point, I just got up and left. I felt pretty stupid sitting in a booth alone,” she said.

Several minutes after she’d left Panera, Jack called her to find out where she was, claiming he was at the restaurant. In response, she said she was stunned that he had the guts to still go to Panera since he was so late. Jack called her at 1:42 p.m., long after they were supposed to meet.

After getting off the phone with him, she called her mother to get her perspective. Her mother told her that since she wasn’t far from Panera, it wasn’t too far out of her way to return and have the date.

“Massive mistake. Why? Because as soon as I opened the door to Panera, I expected Jack to be sitting at a table or something, waiting for me, but no. He wore his GYM CLOTHES: a ratty short-sleeve top and blue shorts. I was (and still am) so horrified and disgusted,” she explained.

In her view, Jack’s behavior was incredibly rude and disrespectful. She raced through her to-do list on Saturday morning to ensure she was on time for their date.

Reezky – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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