
She Ruined A First Date With A Guy After Coming Down With A Nasty Bout Of Food Poisoning And Projectile Vomiting Both On Him And The Windshield Of His Luxury Car

NDABCREATIVITY - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Most dating stories on the Internet tend to gripe about how the other person’s behaviors made the experience truly terrible.

In an unexpected twist, TikToker Asemahle (@mahle_majola) is talking about how she was the worst part of a date she went on with a guy. She had ruined a romantic evening after developing a full-blown bout of food poisoning.

So, she had met this guy in person twice before with a group of their mutual friends. One day, she noticed that a random social media account kept commenting on her posts.

They would engage in friendly banter in the comments section. After three months of interaction, she finally checked out his profile and realized that she knew him.

They started talking, and she invited him to attend church with her. He wasn’t able to go and suggested they meet up for dinner instead. Their dinner date went smoothly. He presented her with flowers and opened doors for her, the perfect picture of a proper gentleman.

For their second date, they went out to dinner again. Prior to their date, her friends wanted to hang out with her. They ate Korean food together, and afterward, she quickly returned home and got ready for her date. He picked her up from his place, but on the way to the restaurant, she started feeling feverish and unwell.

At the restaurant, he ordered some food and a bottle of wine. She had eaten already, so she was full. When she took two sips from her glass of wine, she immediately felt nauseous. She kept gagging, and her stomach cramped up. She tried not to vomit while he talked, unaware of her predicament. Finally, she announced that she needed to get some air.

There were some potted plants outside, and she ended up puking on them. Afterward, she asked him to take her home because she really wasn’t feeling well. During the ride home, she projectile vomited on the windshield of his luxury car.

He found a parking garage to stop at. However, there were traffic cops in the parking garage. They didn’t want any drama, so they drove back out of the garage. On their way out, she threw up again. He reached for some tissues in the backseat. As he gave them to her, she vomited in his hands and again into her leather jacket.

NDABCREATIVITY – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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