
She Got Into An Enormous Fight With Her Fiancé After He Said He Wants His Ex-Girlfriend In His Wedding Party

omelnickiy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
omelnickiy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Have you ever been in a relationship where your partner stayed in touch with their ex or was forced to see their ex on certain occasions because they’re close to their family? 

It can be super uncomfortable, and people on the other side of the relationship often feel forced to make nice with their partner’s ex.

One woman is very upset after finding out her fiancé wants his ex to be in their wedding party because she’s like a member of his family.

She’s 27 and getting ready to marry her 33-year-old fiancé. They’ve been together for four years and have been engaged since last year.

Before she and her fiancé started dating, he was in a long relationship with his childhood friend, Liz. They were together for eight years and had been close since they were kids, as their moms are best friends.

Her fiancé and Liz almost got married but decided to break off their engagement when they realized they were getting married for the wrong reasons.

Since she first started dating her fiancé, she knew Liz would always be a part of his family’s life. Liz’s mom and his mom are still best friends. Liz is very close with his sister and is also in the same circle of friends with her fiancé.

“I don’t have a problem with Liz and her friendship with my fiancé,” she said.

“I actually like her as a person and would consider her a friend. However, there are times when we hang out that I feel left out because of their inside jokes and shared childhood stories. I have always tried to be open-minded about their friendships since he assured me they are only friends, and I trust both of them.”

omelnickiy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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