
She Called Her Dad A Hypocrite For Being Jealous Of The Fact That She’s Spending More Time With Her Grandpa Because Her Dad’s Been Prioritizing Her Stepsister Ever Since He Got Remarried

Jacob Lund - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When your parents split, and one of them remarries someone who has a child your age, it’s easy to feel replaced or left out as their relationship with your stepsibling grows stronger.

One teenager called her dad, who’s been spending more time with her stepsister than her, a hypocrite after he got jealous of her spending quality time with her grandpa.

She’s 15 and has been through a lot in the last decade. Around nine years ago, she lost her mom and got a brain injury, which left her dealing with a lot of emotional distress. Two years after her mom passed, her dad married a woman named Jane, who has a daughter, Amy, who’s a year older than her.

When her dad first remarried, he instantly became a lot more attached to Amy and began spending more time with Amy than he did with her, especially because they shared similar interests.

“He took her to special places he adored that he didn’t ever take me to, and I wanted to go,” she said.

“He shared with her stuff he didn’t share with me. I was jealous, and I was hurt. I tried to explain [that] to my dad, but he told me it was selfish to want to keep him to myself and to leave Amy without a dad.”

Unfortunately, Amy wasn’t very supportive or interested in bonding with her either, as she would tell her to “accept” that her dad liked her better. 

The few times she could get her dad to spend time with her, it was to do things she was interested in, and he would act as if she was a major burden and zone out.

Recently, her grandpa, her dad’s dad, noticed she was struggling to bond with her dad and decided to start spending time with her. 

Jacob Lund – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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