
She Accused Her Dad Of Failing As A Parent By Choosing To Keep His Wife And Stepchildren Happy Instead Of Prioritizing What Was Best For Her

“He told me we couldn’t leave because Sharon was his wife, and we were all a family now, and you can’t leave a family.”

As time passed, Sharon and her dad had two kids of their own. She was thrilled to have half-siblings when they were born, but unfortunately, her stepsiblings manipulated them into bullying her as well, and they all rejected her.

Over the last few years, she’s been very withdrawn from her family, and her main focus has been on moving out of their house as soon as possible. Once her dad noticed how distant she was, he suggested they go to therapy together.

At a recent therapy session, she opened up and told her dad that he failed her by prioritizing keeping Sharon and their kids happy instead of her.

“My dad looked really shocked at first, and he was apologetic,” she recalled.

“After we got home, Sharon asked me why I had to be so hard on my dad. My dad and Sharon argued about it. I spent the rest of last week trying to be alone with my thoughts.”

Now, there’s a lot of tension between her, her dad, and Sharon, and she feels as if she doesn’t know how to talk to her dad without their therapist being present.

Should she feel bad for what she said to her dad, or was she right to be honest?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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