Categories: Relationships

His Wife Wants To Change Careers, But He Doesn’t Support This Since It’s Not A Good Financial Decision For Them Right Now

Bre Avery Zacharski

Four years ago, this 29-year-old man got married to her 28-year-old wife, and they have two children together who are four and two.

He has a full-time job as a plumber, and his wife has a part-time position as a receptionist. After their 2-year-old son was born, he was incredibly sick, and due to that, they are in medical debt.

“We are not currently struggling but are living just at the point where we are comfortable,” he explained.

“My wife hates her job but keeps in it because she’s good at it, and it pays well enough for an entry-level position.”

“She has wanted to become a nurse for a long time but was unable to attend college, and with the kids, it’s fallen on the backline.”

He would love to see his wife pursue her dreams one day and become a nurse, and he has never been quiet about that.

However, his wife wants to switch careers right now, and he doesn’t believe it’s possible at this point in time because it’s not a good financial decision for them right now.

Aside from the fact that his wife will have to spend a ton of time studying or doing various clinical placements, they don’t exactly have the money to pay for her education or additional childcare.

They are still in debt, and if she’s not working, it won’t fix that. His wife wanting to attend nursing school right this moment just is not in the cards.

bokan – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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