
His Wife Wants To Change Careers, But He Doesn’t Support This Since It’s Not A Good Financial Decision For Them Right Now

His wife has talked to her parents, who are willing to watch their kids when they can, and his wife has also promised to find a night shift job to help make money.

“But I don’t feel like this is going to be enough. She will be earning a lot less, and I will have to work more hours to make sure we are definitely financially alright,” he said.

“This will mean I spend less time at home [and] can’t contribute as much to household chores, which she will have to pick up and balance even more work. I said I can’t support this choice and that she should wait a few years until the kids are in school and she has more time.”

“She says I am [a jerk], that she has a right to be happy in her life, and I should be supporting her. She says it’s unfair that I get to enjoy my work (which I do), and she spends her days hating it.”

He knows it isn’t fair, but this is not a good time for his wife to pursue her dreams, and he can’t stand by and support her.

What advice do you have for him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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