Categories: Relationships

His Mom Called His Fiancée Childish For Having Her Bridal Shower And Bachelorette Party At Disney, But His Mom Threw Herself A Whole Renaissance Fair-Themed Birthday Party, So He Decided To Leave Early Because She’s A Hypocrite

Chip Chick

He wondered how his mom could make fun of his fiancée so harshly for liking Disney when she was super passionate about something he found to be just as childish.

“How is a Renaissance fair less cringy, childish, or embarrassing than Disney?” he asked.

“And why isn’t it excessive that my mom had a trip abroad plus this party? I just could not stop thinking [that she was a] hypocrite.”

After his mom went to change into a costume for the party, he told his aunt he was leaving early. He then told his aunt that his mom should call him to apologize to his fiancée. His aunt called him a mean name, and he hasn’t heard from his mom since.

Now, his family members are angry with him for missing both of his mom’s birthday celebrations.

Was he wrong to leave the party early, or was his anger valid?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Chip Chick

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