
His Dad Had An Affair With His Stepmom, So He Didn’t Invite Her To His Wedding To Avoid Any Tension, But His Dad Now Doesn’t Want To Attend

Kaspars Grinvalds - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you have divorced parents, you may know the struggle of getting your parents to get along, especially if one is with someone new.

One man recently had to tell his father he didn’t want to invite his stepmom to his very small wedding, and now his dad doesn’t want to go either.

He’s 25 and will be getting married in a very small, low-key courthouse wedding ceremony followed by a nice dinner at a restaurant and a party at his house. There will only be around 15 people in attendance.

His parents, who are in their 50s, have been divorced for 14 years, and they split because his dad was having an affair. 

Today, his dad is still with the woman he had an affair with, and he refers to her as his stepmom. He has a 19-year-old sister and is still very close to his mom. Everyone is on different pages with his dad.

“I have a good relationship with my father [and] a cordial relationship with [my stepmom],” he explained.

“My sister has almost no contact with my dad. My mother is cordial with him, but they don’t talk unless it’s about us. There has been a lot of bad blood between him and my grandmother since the divorce, though. The three of them despise my stepmom to different degrees.”

While he believes his mom and sister would be able to suck it up and be civil if his stepmom attended his wedding, he’s been worried about how his grandmother will react. He believes his grandmother would hardly be able to speak if his stepmom is at his wedding; she despises her so much.

“I believe it’s going to be really tense and uncomfortable for everyone,” he said.

Kaspars Grinvalds – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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