
He’s Thinking About Breaking Off His Engagement Because His Future In-Laws Want To Run A Criminal Background Check On Him And Go Over The Results Together, And He Thinks It’s Super Creepy

Yakobchuk Olena - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Yakobchuk Olena - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man and his fiancée live on the West Coast, met during their senior year of college, and have been in a relationship for several years now.

They love each other very much, and dating her has been wonderful. He’s never known a woman like her, so just before Christmas last year, they got engaged.

When he proposed, his fiancée was thrilled and immediately said yes. Unfortunately, they haven’t begun wedding planning yet because they don’t have enough money saved up to do so.

Luckily, neither of them is bothered about waiting until they’re more financially stable. Before their engagement, he met his fiancée’s parents on several occasions, and they always seemed kind.

“They were polite, had a clean home, and overall, I didn’t see any red flags. We took both my parents and hers out to lunch last weekend and told them the big news,” he said.

Their parents were happy for them, and everyone had a great time at lunch. Yesterday, he went to work, and his fiancée’s mom called him.

“She told me that before I was going to marry her daughter, she and her husband were going to run a criminal background check on me,” he explained.

His fiancée’s mom asked if there was an afternoon when he’d have some free time so that he could come over and look at the results of his background check with her and her husband.

Her mom didn’t ask if he’d be uncomfortable with this but made it clear that the background check was mandatory if he wanted to marry her daughter.

Yakobchuk Olena – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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