
He’s Divorcing His Wife Because She Asked For An Open Marriage, But Now She’s Calling Him Selfish And A Bad Father Because Their Son Will Be Impacted By The Split

Once he made his decision, he explained to his wife that he would file for divorce if she still wanted to open their marriage. Then, he suggested that she have custody of their son five days a week, and he could have custody on weekends.

His wife protested the option of divorce, stating that she didn’t want to split up and that it wasn’t necessary. She was concerned about how a divorce would impact their son’s life.

“I responded, ‘And why should I care? If it affects me, it’s the important thing for me.’ She didn’t take that very well, and she accused me of being selfish, manipulative, and a bad father,” he shared.

In response, he agreed with his wife that if they divorced, their son would have a tough time, but pointed out that, like other kids, their son would one day adjust to the change. He didn’t see what the issue was when so many other kids had divorced parents.

Later, he expressed to his wife how much he’d cried over her idea of opening their marriage, telling her that he needed calm. He ended the conversation by saying that an open marriage wouldn’t bring him any sense of calm.

It was important to him that he did what was best for him, even if that meant divorce, just like his wife was trying to figure out what was best for her, which was, apparently, an open marriage.

What advice would you give him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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