
Her Husband Got Too Drunk And Was Kicked Off A Plane, But She Still Flew Home Without Him, And Now Her Husband’s Furious That She Left Him Behind

standret - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
standret - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

There are a lot of people in the world who get anxious on planes, so they like to order an alcoholic drink or two before take-off to calm their nerves. However, some of those people get a little too drunk and cause a nasty disruption.

One woman and her husband were supposed to get on a plane for a trip back to their home country, but he wasn’t allowed to board because he was too drunk. Now, he’s mad at her because she still got on the plane.

She’s 28 and married to her 30-year-old husband, Adam. Their families are from the same country and eventually immigrated when they were younger. She takes more trips to her home country than Adam because most of her family is still there while his family is abroad with them.

Unfortunately, her dad, who still lives in their home country, isn’t a fan of Adam. They haven’t gotten to interact with each other that much because of the long distance, and the few times they have, Adam hasn’t made much of an effort to impress her dad.

Finally, after their wedding, Adam and her dad bonded a bit more, and she thought it would be a great idea to take Adam with her to visit her dad in their home country.

“I have been planning a trip to my home country to surprise my dad and asked Adam to come,” she said.

“He agreed and then balked when I said we were going to stay with my dad. [He] made what I thought was a joke about having to drink before meeting him. I didn’t find it funny, but Adam later apologized.”

However, she came to realize Adam wasn’t kidding on the day of their trip.

Adam had time to kill in the airport on their travel day, as she went straight from work to the airport.

standret – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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