
Her Friend’s New Girlfriend Tried To Feed All Of Them Vegan Snacks At A Movie Night, And Nobody Wanted To Pay For That Or Eat It Either - - illustrative purposes only - - illustrative purposes only

This 22-year-old girl has a cool tradition with her friend group where every Friday or Saturday night, they have a movie night together.

Normally, it’s just two people in their group who routinely offer to host their movie night, as they have good roommate situations or enough space to have everyone over at once.

The rest of their group will bring along snacks, and they all put money in to order food, or if the friend hosting provides drinks and food, they give them money towards that.

“One of the guys in the group had been dating this new girl for a couple of weeks and he wanted to introduce her to the group, and I guess she wanted to make a good impression so he told us that she wanted to host the movie night that week,” she explained.

“We all thought that was super considerate and we agreed, since she seemed like a really nice girl and the gesture was really kind.”

The day arrived for movie night, and as she and her friends asked about what they should bring later on, the girlfriend of their friend hosting mentioned she would be happy to get all the food for them.

They were ok with that as it’s normally something they do anyway. But after they arrived for movie night, they were pretty disappointed to see what food their friend’s girlfriend had out for them.

It was super healthy and not at all the kind of food they expected to come across for a movie night.

“However when we got there the good was all this vegan and fit type food – which is nothing wrong, but it’s just not something we wanted to eat on a friday movie night,” she said. – – illustrative purposes only

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