
Her Friends Are Mad At Her For Hiding That She’s Rich, And Now They’re Demanding She Pay For Them To Have Certain Things

“She started telling everyone that I was actually rich, showing them one of the documents she had taken from the office,” she said.

“My husband took it off her and told her it was none of her business. At dinner, she kept going on about me masquerading as poor because I thrift, have a cheap old car, travel in economy, and don’t offer to cover the bill when we go out.”

“Our other friends agreed, and we were [mad] because they had never said I had money, never offered money when one of them was struggling. We ended up cutting dinner short and asking everyone to leave.”

Since that disaster of a dinner, people have been flooding her with messages to say they’re livid that she never revealed that she’s rich.

Some of her friends have even had the audacity to ask her to give them money. One friend in particular demanded $50,000 to pay for their student loans, since she didn’t have to pay for her college education.

Her husband keeps insisting she should ignore everyone since her personal finances shouldn’t be their business.

“His best friend has called and apologized for all this, as his wife shouldn’t have been snooping,” she continued.

“I’ve been very much frozen out from the group; I’ve been told I won’t be invited to anything until I pay my equal share, and by equal share, they mean I pay for everything.”

She’s left wondering if it was wrong of her not to tell her friends she’s actually rich.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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