
Her Friend Tried To Seduce Her Husband, Then Asked If She Could Serve Her Own Husband With Divorce Papers

Andrey_Arkusha - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Andrey_Arkusha - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This young woman has a 29-year-old female friend whom she has known for several years now. She’s not super close with this particular friend, which is worth mentioning, and they’re more like casual friends than anything else.

Over the last several weeks, her friend all of sudden started showing her husband a ton of interest.

Her friend kept asking to come over to her house constantly, then would go out of her way to engage with her husband in a way that was definitely not normal.

She also caught her friend giving her husband bedroom eyes, which really weirded her out. She thought that her friend was trying to seduce her husband right in front of her face.

“Then, a week later, she tells me she’s getting a divorce (I never actually met her husband, which I always thought was a little strange),” she explained.

“Then she asks me if I could be so kind to help her by serving him the divorce papers. I told her no. I told her, I have kids, and I can’t do that. I’m sorry. You can get the Sheriff or hire someone to do it.”

“She seemed upset but let it go. Then, a few weeks later, she comes back to me and asks me to sign off on her will as a witness and told me this shouldn’t be a big deal and not as big of an ask as before.”

She told her friend that she was sorry, but she couldn’t sign off on her will, as that didn’t sit right with her.

As soon as she declined to do this for her friend, her friend instantly became passive-aggressive and bitter.

Andrey_Arkusha – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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