
Her Brother Cheated On Her Sister-In-Law And Got Another Woman Pregnant, But She Still Invited Them Both, As Well As Her Husband’s Mistress, To The Same Party, And Her Sister-In-Law Had A Meltdown

She decided to invite her brother and his new family at the last minute because she had never received confirmation whether or not her former sister-in-law would be at the party.

However, her former sister-in-law did show up to the party and was astonished to see her ex-husband and his new family there. Her former sister-in-law had a bit of a meltdown, yelling at her brother and screaming obscenities at his new wife.

“I had tried to calm her down to talk, but [eventually], I yelled at her to get out of my house,” she recalled.

“She did, and we all just pretended it never happened. However, at the end of the party, my sister, who is still friends with my ex-sister-in-law, told me I should have told her my brother and his wife were invited. It would have influenced her decision to come or not, and not doing [it] made me a [jerk].”

Despite what happened and her sister’s disappointment, she doesn’t think she did anything wrong, as she had assumed her former sister-in-law wouldn’t go to the party.

Should she apologize to her ex-sister-in-law or leave her alone?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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