
Her Brother Cheated On Her Sister-In-Law And Got Another Woman Pregnant, But She Still Invited Them Both, As Well As Her Husband’s Mistress, To The Same Party, And Her Sister-In-Law Had A Meltdown

LStockStudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever had a friend or relative invite your ex to an event despite your discomfort or nasty breakup?

One woman recently upset her former sister-in-law, who she’s remained friends with, after she invited her and her brother, who cheated on her, to the same party with no warning.

She’s in her late 20s, and her older brother used to be married to her 30-year-old sister-in-law. Four years ago, their family fell apart when her brother revealed he was not only cheating on his wife but had gotten his mistress pregnant and wanted to be with her instead.

Her entire family sided with her former sister-in-law, which was a very messy situation. Since the divorce, her brother has married and had three kids with his mistress.

Six months ago, her family finally got back in touch with her brother because they wanted to get to know his children.

Still, she and other relatives have stayed in touch with her former sister-in-law since the divorce, especially her sister. When her former sister-in-law heard about her brother’s new family, she flipped.

Since reconnecting with her brother, she’s gotten to know and bond with his new wife. Now, she considers them friends.

“It was because of this friendship that I decided to finally invite my brother and my new family to my house for my son’s birthday party,” she said.

“It seemed like the perfect time to do so. What I didn’t count on was my ex-sister-in-law coming to the party. I had spoken to her a few days before and she said she wasn’t sure if she was coming or not.”

LStockStudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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