
Her Boyfriend’s Not Even Rich, But Wants Her To Sign A Prenup Before He Proposes

Beaunitta V W/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 23-year-old girl has a 28-year-old boyfriend who’s not even rich, but he wants her to sign a prenup before he proposes to her.

Now, she grew up in a family full of love. They didn’t have any luxuries when she was little, but her dad worked hard to provide for them and cared about her and her siblings being happy.

Her mom was her dad’s biggest cheerleader, and when her mom married her dad, he had absolutely nothing.

Now, her dad is actually one of the most successful businessmen in her city, and she looks at her parents and wants the kind of marriage that they have.

Her dad told her growing up to work hard and trust that process while not lusting after being rich.

“He is the best example to show that money does not buy happiness, and hard work always pays off,” she explained.

She has taken her dad’s advice and worked hard to become a pilot. Her boyfriend is actually a pilot as well, and they both went through training together and are at the same points in their careers.

“…My boyfriend believes that one day he will be a big businessman, but he doesn’t really do anything to make that possible,” she said.

“Today, in his blind belief that one day he’ll be rich, he told me that he doesn’t want to lose all his money (which doesn’t exist) if we divorce in the future, so he wants a prenup.”

Beaunitta V W/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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