
Her Boyfriend Has Steamy Photos From His Exes That He Will Not Delete Off His Phone

marvent - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For two and a half years so far, this 31-year-old woman and her 34-year-old boyfriend have been in an exclusive relationship.

Back before they were dating, they began hooking up casually, and she sent him a couple of spicy photos.

He showed her the secret folder he had on his phone where he kept them, and he also had steamy photos of other girls saved in there.

She really did not like that at all and informed him that she did not want her personal photos in a collection of girls he had also hooked up with or dated. After he told her about the folder, she quit sending him those kinds of photos.

Later on when they did enter a committed relationship, she asked her boyfriend about the folder and if he could please delete all the photos of his old flames.

He responded that he wasn’t interested in deleting the folder just because she wanted him to do that.

“We had an argument about it, but because the relationship was still new, I didn’t press it, thinking he’d probably just delete it on his own,” she explained.

“He does tend to have a very oppositional defiant personality, and I thought my asking him to delete it continually would make him want to keep it even more.”

“But over time, it just bothered me more and more, and today I finally asked him again if he got rid of it. He said no, but if I had found a way to delete it myself, he wouldn’t have minded.”

marvent – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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