
He Bailed On A Surprise Blind Date That Was Set Up Behind His Back By His Coworker, And Now The Rest Of His Colleagues Are Icing Him Out

JustLife - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 34-year-old guy is very content with living the “solo life,” especially after he suffered a series of messy and difficult breakups with his exes. That’s why he decided staying single is perfectly fine for him– even if his loved ones don’t agree.

According to him, his family and friends just cannot understand how he’s okay with remaining single.

“They’re all up in my business, especially a couple of my work buddies, always going on about how I’m ‘too good to be single,’ and I’ll ‘change my mind,'” he said.

Just recently, one of his female coworkers had a similar conversation with him, too, and he claimed that his coworker was “oddly invested” in his love life despite being in a happy relationship herself.

His coworker is also switching jobs soon, so while talking, they planned to grab drinks together on Friday and catch up as a “farewell” before she left.

Well, when the day came, he arrived and waited for his coworker, but she never actually showed up. He eventually texted her as well, asking her where she was, and while he was waiting for a response, he bumped into another woman he used to work with a few years ago.

So, they started chatting, and he casually mentioned that he didn’t know where his coworker was. At that point, the woman was confused and told him that she thought they were supposed to be having a meet-up– without his coworker.

“That’s when the penny dropped, and I realized my coworker tried to play Cupid without telling me, setting me up with [the woman], thinking I’m in on this blind date setup,” he recalled.

He definitely was not on board with it, either, so he told the woman that there had been a mix-up. He also apologized for any confusion before promptly leaving and calling his coworker.

JustLife – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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